
Parameters can be used in the route configuration to match urls with dynamic values. A parameter starts with a colon and defines a placeholder in the url for a value.

let Router = Routes(
	<App path=":language">
		<Todo path="todos/:todoId">

Urls like /en/todos/1 and /fr/todos/42 will both match the general form /:language/todos/:todoId and the router will render both urls with this layout


The parameter names, as defined in the configuration, and their extracted values will be accessible inside the route components with the useParams hook.

import { useParams } from 'react-sprout'

function App() {
	let { language } = useParams()

Each route component also has access to the parameters of parent routes.

import { useParams } from 'react-sprout'

function Todo() {
	let { language, todoId } = useParams()