
There are 3 possible ways to navigate around: Links, Forms, and the navigate function.

The Link component is a more powerful alternative for the default anchor element.

import { Link } from 'react-sprout';

function Route() {
	return <Link href="/some/url">navigate</Link>;

If you need a Link with loading states and navigation information, there is a useLink hook.

import { useLink } from 'react-sprout';

function Route() {
	let [Link, busy, loading, navigations] = useLink();

	return <Link href="/some/url">navigate</Link>;


The Form component is a more powerful alternative for the default form element.

import { Form } from 'react-sprout';

function Route() {
	return (
		<Form action="/some/url">

If you need a Form with loading states and navigation information, there is a useForm hook.

import { useForm } from 'react-sprout';

function Route() {
	let [Form, busy, loading, navigations] = useForm();

	return (
		<Form action="/some/url">

For navigating programmatically, there is a useNavigate hook.

import { useNavigate } from 'react-sprout';

function Route() {
	let [navigate, busy, loading, navigations] = useNavigate();

	useEffect(() => {
		let timer = setTimeout(() => {
		}, 5000);

		return () => {
	}, []);